Do You Want Mesa County to Add Tax on E-Cigarettes?
Vaping and using e-cigarettes has become very popular especially among teenagers, do you think it's time for Mesa County to begin taxing them? The idea really gained attention after Aspen recently added a $4 tax on e-cigarettes. But just because Aspen made that decision should we follow their lead here in Mesa County?
KKCO reported last week that you must be 21 years old to even purchase vaping or e-cigarette products. But it's not exactly difficult for teenagers to get their hands on these products. We all know that taxing these products could generate more revenue for our area but do you think that is reason enough to start taxing them now?
Obviously, everyone is going to have their own opinion on this topic but this one is difficult for me to decide. First, I don't smoke and have never tried vaping so this wouldn't affect me. But I'm also not a fan of taxing items just to tax them. If there was a need in the community and these funds could help, that would make more sense to me.
More than 30% of high schoolers in Mesa County have admitted to trying a vape product which all contain nicotine. And 60% of those same teenagers say that it is easy to get their hands on vaping or e-cigarette products.
Before a new tax like this could be implemented it would need to make it on the November ballot which could be done, and the tax could be in place by April 2021. Only time will tell if this tax will actually take place.

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