Mosquito’s Are Out In Full Force Here’s What To Do
Now is the time to start protecting yourself against Mosquitos, you will want to get rid of anything that might attract mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love water and anything damp if you have a tin of water in your backyard it will attract mosquitoes. Mosquitoes carry the West Nile virus and according to Health Officials, most people get the West Nile Virus between July and August.
Here are a few symptoms of the West Nile Virus fever, body aches, skin rash, may include stiff neck,
Helpful information 1-877-462-2911 (7 a.m.-11 p.m. daily)
CDC West Nile Virus info line: 1-888-246-2675 English | 888-246-2857 Spanish | 1-866-874-2646 Hearing impaired
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