Are You Doing All You Can To Protect Yourself Against West Nile?
West Nile Virus is carried by mosquitoes, mosquitoes bite an infected bird and then a mosquito bites a human, and there are some things you can do to protect yourself. Among them, use an insect repellent wear long-sleeve shirts and pants, get rid of any standing water around your home, in gutters, tires, wheelbarrows anywhere where water can stagnate check for children's toys in the backyard and your unused flower pots. You would be surprised by how many places you can find stagnate water in your backyard. Make sure your home is sound by checking your windows and doors. If possible get a screen door.
In the summertime, more people are outdoors enjoying themselves and there is no reason why you can't just be a little more alert and aware. West Nile Virus was first discovered in Colorado back in 2002, and every year since then someone from Colorado has been diagnosed with West Nile Virus.