Palisade Hosting a Town Clean Up Day Later This MonthPalisade Hosting a Town Clean Up Day Later This MonthThe town of Palisade will be hosting an annual clean-up event later in the month of April.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
5 Fun St Patty's Day Items the Western Slope Will Love5 Fun St Patty's Day Items the Western Slope Will LoveIt only happens once a year, so why not let your Irish out?Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Politicians to Front Range: Leave Western Slope Water AlonePoliticians to Front Range: Leave Western Slope Water AloneThe State of Colorado has a dilemma on their hands and it could leave the Western Slope dry.Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Sorry, Hulk! You'll Never Hear Us Say These ThingsSorry, Hulk! You'll Never Hear Us Say These ThingsThere are some things you simply will never hear around here. Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Where Is The Respect For The Western Slope Of Colorado?Where Is The Respect For The Western Slope Of Colorado?You see them time and again, articles on how bad the Western Slope of Colorado is.Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Cytospora a Lethal Weapon to Peach Trees on the Western SlopeCytospora a Lethal Weapon to Peach Trees on the Western SlopeFungus is a major issue for peach-tree farmers here on the Western Slope. Coming up with a solution is a must in order to keep the peaches tasting so well.Traci RockTraci Rock
Three Wonderful Historical Hotels on Colorado's Western SlopeThree Wonderful Historical Hotels on Colorado's Western SlopeWest of the Continental Divide are some wonderful historical hotels that you can find and little rest and experience an amazing atmosphere.Traci RockTraci Rock
Drought Continues In Grand Junction And Western SlopeDrought Continues In Grand Junction And Western SlopeAs dry as it is in western Colorado, we have to do everything we can to conserve water. What do you do?Cody CarlsonCody Carlson
Dealing With Western Slope HeatDealing With Western Slope HeatSummer has arrived and with it, 100 degree days.Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Grand Junction's Worst Drivers Aren't From Grand Junction (Humor)Grand Junction's Worst Drivers Aren't From Grand Junction (Humor)Driving is something we have to do if we want to get anywhere around here, but there sure are some bad drivers.Jack TaylorJack Taylor