Scam Alert – Beware Of This Latest Mesa County Phone Scam
Here we go again. Why not a holiday phone scam? Check out the details so you don't get taken.
There is a new phone scam across Mesa County. The MCSO tells us to be warned of another jury duty type swindle going on.
Many Mesa County residents have reported getting phone calls from individuals stating that they are with the Sheriff's Department as either a Lieutenant or a Deputy. The people calling will claim that you failed to appear for jury duty and that you must pay a fine, otherwise you could be arrested. The caller then says that payment can be made to a card simply over the phone.
This individual is NOT with the Mesa County Sheriff's Department. The MCSO would never, ever ask for any type of payment over the phone.
If you have received any types of phone calls like this, you are asked to please contact the Mesa County Sheriff's Department at (970) 244-3500 during normal weekday hours or by calling (970) 242-6707.
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