Grand Junction Landlord Won’t Rent to Trump Supporters
If you're a Donald Trump supporter, one Grand Junction landlord won't rent to you.
Mark Holmes of Grand Junction posted an ad in the Nickel Want Ads looking to rent out the apartment below his with one stipulation, the renter couldn't be a supporter of Donald Trump.
The ad read:
DOWNTOWN APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, furnished or use your things, organic garden space, hot tub, great back yard, dogs allowed if they have references as good as yours. If voting for Donald Trump, do not call! [PHONE NUMBER REDACTED], leave message on phone.
Holmes told 9News in Denver that he did it because he wants "America to wake up" because he feels a vote for Trump is the wrong direction.
Holmes has received numerous calls at the phone number in the ad, some supporting his him and others not.
While the Fair House Act prohibits discrimination, political affiliation is not specifically covered.
Holmes says even with the political stipulation, the apartment has been rented.