I’m Delighted to Have This Business Back In Orchard Mesa
For 30 years I used to visit the car wash on Highway 50 on Orchard Mesa. Then one day, poof, it was gone. Well, after years of inactivity, it's back in action.
Okay, so I'm easily excited. However, as an Orchard Mesa resident, I love to see new businesses thriving. Please welcome High Desert Oasis Auto and Truck Spa. Their grand opening is coming up Saturday, June 30. Word on the street is they're even providing lunch.
A car wash had been in operation at this location since I moved to Orchard Mesa back in 1983. A few years ago it closed down. Yes, Orchard Mesa has other car washes, but I really liked this one.
According to the sign, they are open and ready for business. As you can see, they've certainly spruced the place up a bunch. Red, white, and blue... I love it.
I'm going to go ahead and admit something I probably shouldn't. Do you remember the old KEKB Rolling Radio? Do you recall how gigantic that thing was? I was hauling it to Montrose a few years back and thought it would be wise to give it a wash. Take a look at the bays in the photo at top. There's no way, not in a million years, you could fit that giant rolling radio into one of those bays. I nearly destroyed them both, the radio and the car wash.
Welcome to Orchard Mesa, High Desert Oasis Auto & Truck Spa. I, for one, am glad to see this location up and operating again.
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