UPDATE: Grand Junction’s Lincoln Park Pool Opening Changed
[UPDATED: JUNE 25, 2020]
The city of Grand Junction has announced the Lincoln Park Pool will open Saturday, June 27, one week earlier than previously announced. Once the capacity limit of 175 is reached, guests will be restricted to two hours of swim time. At this time, there will be no swim lessons, water slide, splash pad, showers, or diving boards. These should be reopened at a later time.
As Grand Valley temperatures have soared into the 90s, local swimmers are ready to hit the water.
One of Grand Junction's most popular hot spots for summer fun is the Lincoln Park Swimming Pool, which traditionally opens Memorial Day Weekend. Obviously, that could not and did not happen. Thankfully, things are about to change.
As of right now, the Lincoln Park pool is scheduled to open July 3 - just in time for the Fourth of July holiday weekend. That means Grand Junction swimmers and sliders still have a bit of a wait, but at least there is a target date for opening. At this time, the city says swim lessons will not be available.
Despite the pool not being open, locals have been enjoying the water at Grand Junction's new river park at Las Colonias, which opened recently. It's nice to have this option available while using the pool is not feasible.
We just heard the news that the Fruita Community Pool is now open, but with restrictions and limited to fitness only. Meanwhile, the Orchard Mesa Community Pool remains closed at this time.
The Fourth of July has always been a popular time at the Lincoln Park Pool as families would gather for a day of swimming and sliding and then stay for the big fireworks. Unfortunately, and understandably, the Grand Junction fireworks display for this year has been canceled.
The bright side is the Lincoln Park Pool is opening soon and Grand Junction swimmers will have a few weeks to enjoy the water before heading back to school.

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