Grand Junction To Host Colorado Firefighter Recruitment
If you have ever thought about becoming a real firefighter, here is your chance. Recruiters will be in Grand Junction November 15.
If you're looking for a challenge, this might be it. The Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management Unit will be hosting upcoming recruitment sessions. And it just so happens that they will be here next week (Wednesday, Nov. 15) from 3-7 p.m.
If you are interested in signing up or to learn more about this opportunity, the session will take place at the U.S. Land Management Bureau office located at 2774 Landing View Lane.
These positions are seasonal and normally run from May 15 to September 1. Pay ranges from $10.89 - $13.68 an hour with additional overtime and hazard pay. The UCR is looking for about 30 positions to be filled for next year. These are 40-hour a week jobs that can be dangerous.
Mainly, the UCR is in charge of organizing firefighting efforts spanning across 5.8 million acres from the Utah border to Summit County along the Colorado River and I-70.
For the initial recruitment session on the 15th, you must be able to walk 3 miles in under 45 minutes while carrying a 45-pound pack. Some other characteristics the UCR is looking for is working with a team, following directions and respecting the chain of command.