Grand Junction Colorado’s Downtown Bike Parades of the 1940s
Do you recall Grand Junction's "Bike Day Parades"?
Personally, I don't recall ever attending a "Bike Day Parade," and I've been here 51 years. Obviously, though, Grand Junction used to host these back in the 1940s and 50s.
Grand Junction Kids Went All Out For This
Check out the work that went into these bikes. They really did them up right. Some kids even broke out the costumes. You'll see Satan, an angel, and even Uncle Sam.
Keep An Eye Out For Someone You Recognize - Maybe Even You
Like always with these Bob Grant galleries, keep your eyes open, you may see someone you recognize. It's possible you might find a photo of yourself. Since most of these photos feature kids, and most were taken in the late 1940s and early 50s, it's possible you'll see someone you know.
Downtown Grand Junction Hasn't Changed That Much
Is it me, or has Downtown Grand Junction changed very little? Obviously, that's largely intentional. Still, it's going to be strange this Saturday at the Parade of Lights, driving in the parade with Downtown looking amazingly similar to the way it appears in these images from the 1940s.
Please check out the gallery. I'm going to say this, and hope my grandpa forgives me, but some of these prints aren't exactly up to par for Bob Grant. They are definitely his photos. I'm not sure why the difference. Anyway, I'm sure my grandpa is busy rolling over in his grave. I'll apologize the next time I visit.