Girl Scouts Now Have A Cookie App
I love Girl Scout cookies and I always buy at least two boxes. There are so many different flavors but my favorite is Samoas, Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Trefoils, S' mores.
You can purchase your packages from Colorado Girl Scouts now. If you need some cookies you can always log on to the Girl Scout website they have a cookie finder App.
The Girl Scouts of Colorado recently lifted a ban that prohibited cookies sales outside of adult-oriented businesses. So it is possible that you might see a Girl Scout selling cookies outside of marijuana dispensaries. Last year a San Diego girl made headline after she sold her cookies outside a marijuana shop.
A Girl Scouts spokeswoman said the decision was made because of the large number of requests for scouts to sell at breweries.
Starting February 15the the Girl Scouts will be out in full force look for them at your local Grocery store.