Girl Scouts of Colorado Can Now Sell Cookies at Weed Dispensaries
Girl Scouts of Colorado rejoice because your sales are about to skyrocket. Girls Scouts are now able to sell cookies at marijuana dispensaries.
Now you get the munchies and cure them, all in the same place. According to the Cannabist, where Girls Scouts choose to sell their cookies is up to the:
troop leader, with guidance and oversight from local Girl Scout council.
Obviously their main concern is safety. Girls Scouts have guidelines and safety requirements for all of their cookie campgrounds. (I just made that up because it sounds better than 'cookie booth.')
Council spokeswoman AnneMarie Harper said this about Girl Scouts now being able to sell at dispensaries:
Colorado Girl Scouts have since updated their policy to treat 'adult-oriented" businesses such as marijuana dispensaries the same as any other business."
Although they are allowed, all Girl Scouts must get approval from the business to set up their cookie campground there. Colorado isn't the only state to pair Girl Scout munchies with marijuana. Girl Scouts in California were recently majorly successful selling Girl Scout Cookies in front a dispensary recently.
She sold over 300 boxes in six hours in San Diego. I wonder if we'll see any Girl Scouts set up in front of marijuana dispensaries on the Western Slope.