Free Lunches Continue for Food-Insecure Grand Junction Students
While so many families, parents, and communities continue to pull themselves out of this pandemic that has cost many people severely especially in their wallets due to shutdowns, there was some good news announced this week. According to the Washington Post, the United States Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday that it would extend its universal free lunch program through the 2021-2022 school year.
This is very welcomed news for families that are struggling to pay the bills right now, and the current free lunch program was set to end as the next school year was just getting started on September 30th. With an estimated 12 million kids receiving these free lunches that would leave a lot of kids going hungry.
How Are the Free Lunches for Kids Distributed?
At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there were child nutrition program waivers that were sent out to allow kids to be able to eat for free without any issues. These waivers were specifically for those families that were hit hard unexpectedly due to the pandemic. These waivers helped with free school lunches and also made curbside pickup available for food boxes to take home. The program organizers insist that if you are in need get in touch with your children's school.
Why It's So Important to Make The Decision for Free Kids Lunches Now?
Because many school districts are having to make cuts to programs and organizations due to the pandemic. If school districts know they have these resources available they can allocate that money toward other programs and resources for students and staff members.