Dylan McWilliams’ Dad Share Stories of Raising an Adventurous Son
So, Dylan McWilliams is still making the news! I mean what are the odds of being bitten by a bear, shark, and snake all over the span of three years? " According to National Geographic 893.35 quadrillion to one!”
Dylan is only 20 years old from right here in Grand Junction and he is a survivalist instructor.
So, I thought to myself what type of upbringing did Dylan have? Was he raised in the woods maybe his parents dropped him off in the woods and said I'll be right back? And he was left to fend for himself. Were his parent's survivalists? How did Dylan become the adventurous person he is today?
I decided to call his dad, Randy McWilliams, and find out the scoop on Dylan! His dad told me Dylan was just a normal kid but loved "Animal Planet" and loved "Steve Erwin."
Be careful what you let your kids watch.
Randy McWilliams told me when Dylan was just three or four years old, he and Dylan were driving in the family car and before his dad could come to a complete stop Dylan jumps out of the car and wrestles a snake bigger than he was and brings his trophy to his dad.
Randy McWilliams, Dylan's dad, said there have been so many stories, people would come up to him and remind him of stories he had forgotten.
Randy says this was the second time Dylan had been to Hawaii. The first time he went, it did not end up so well. Apparently, he took an ax with him, you just never know when you are going to need an ax. Dylan was chopping something, (that is just what he does,) and hit a tendon in his thigh. He had to go to the hospital and have tendon repair surgery.
Randy McWilliams credits Dylan's grandfather for the love of the outdoors. Dylan pretty much grew in a normal family, with two sisters and a younger brother. I asked Randy how Dylan's mom handled hearing Dylan had been hurt so many times. Randy said she handles it differently but takes it in stride.
Well, we are proud to have a celebrity like Dylan McWilliams in our backyard! Glad he calls Grand Junction home. We are hoping to see Dylan at Country Jam because he loves country music. And yes ladies he is single!
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