I Got The Best News This Week, Koda Doesn’t Have Cancer
You don't realize how good life is going until something bad happens. While the pandemic has been a pain for everyone, I've been fortunate to keep my job and everything seemed to be going okay. Although nearly two weeks ago we have our veterinarian here in Grand Junction give us some uneasy news about a mass that was removed. Savannah and I got the best news this week finding out that Koda doesn't have cancer.
When the mass was removed during his routine dental cleaning it never even crossed my mind that it could be anything worse than a mass. But when it was extracted our Vet said it looked weird and he suggests that we send it off. Well, the testing was done and his mass was a pigmented trichoblastoma which is a benign tumor. The color pigment is what gave the appearance of a mast cell but it's just an uncommon tumor.
Not Cancer But a Great Reminder
We are so thankful that our 10-year-old rescue dog Koda isn't dealing with cancer. But this was a big wake-up call for Savannah and me to realize that our furry family member is getting older and we need to cherish each day we are lucky enough to spend with him. Because tomorrow isn't promised so he needs extra treats and belly rubs today.

Regular Veterinarian Appointments Are Important
Without us staying on top of our dog's regular appointments (mostly my amazing wife), we would have never known about this potentially huge issue. Remember to take all of your family members in for their regular doctor visits so everyone is staying happy and healthy.