Clap Along With These ‘Despicable Me 2’ Facts
There are so many minions serving Gru in the Despicable Me movies, it would be impossible to actually stop and count each individual one. But, if you had to, you wound find out that there are actually 899 minions. This is just one of the facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which gets happy with Despicable Me 2!
Despicable Me 2 was nominated for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars in 2013. Though it eventually lost to Frozen, it’s nomination should be considered noteworthy for being the first movie to feature a “fart gun” to get nominated for best anything at the Oscars.
“You Think You Know Movies?” is a ScreenCrush original series that dives deep into the cinematic worlds of your favorite movies and freeze frames a few tidbits you might not have known. We’ve already tackled Star Wars, The Avengers and Spider-Man, but now, it’s time to grab a banana and get ready for some Despicable Me 2 facts!
Watch more installments of ‘You Think You Know Movies?’ below and let us know what movies we should cover next.
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