What’s the City Up To on Highway 50 in Grand Junction?
Have you seen the City of Grand Junction Land Development Application signs near the apartments and car wash on Highway 50 in Orchard Mesa? What is the city up to?
You may have seen the yellow development sign posted off the highway next to the Prospector Point apartments and the Super Wash. What's happening at the apartments? Well, for the most part, nothing.
As it turns out, the development application has nothing to do with the apartments or the car wash, or for that matter, any of the surrounding lots. The application is for the address of 2620 Legacy Way, located nearly 1,000 feet southwest of the sign.
I contacted the city and spoke with a representative. According to them, the application was for a special permit for city pubic works operations. Essentially, a number of sand and rock piles are being moved. The site at 2620 Legacy Way will simply take over some operations which used to be conducted down the road near Dos Rios.
You may be wondering the exact same thing I was: why are the signs posted so far away from the site? According to the rep I spoke with, the city is required to post the development application signs at all neighboring roadways.
Not exactly the news story of the century, but at least now we know. It appears nothing new is shaking at the apartments or the car wash. A number of sand piles will be making the short half-mile trek to a new home. You may no go about your daily business.

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