5 Grand Junction Classes You Should Take in Spring 2021
Did you receive the Western Colorado Community College Spring 2021 Course Offerings flyer in the mail? After giving it a quick glance, I found five classes you should seriously consider taking.
The Spring 2021 catalog offers dozens of fascinating classes. You'll find everything from stargazing to culinary arts, watercolors to wine sensory analysis, and even a number of concealed carry training courses. You'll notice a handful of classes which have never been offered before.
I don't know about you, but the older I get, the more I want to learn things. While I'm a half-decent self-starter, it seems enrolling in a course helps to motivate me. The programs are fairly short in duration, and all seem very affordable.
For Spring 2021, Western Colorado Community College offers classes in three different formats:
- In person
- Remote via Zoom
- Fully online
To know which format will be used with a particular class, please consult the Spring 2021 catalog. Each class listing includes an icon indicating the format. For example, the Citizen's Guide to the Universe course is offered as an "in-person" course. The "What is Leadership" course is offered both in-person and remotely via Zoom.
Looking at the list of instructors, its seem most are members of my graduating class of 1988. Jeff Dershem is still teaching various astronomy classes. Meanwhile, a couple of music friends of mine from CMU, Joe Quesenberry and Eric Nohe, are teaching introductory music lessons.
Please look at the catalog. You'll notice several new classes have been added for Spring 2021. As a matter of fact, looking at pages four and five of the 2021 catalog, I see four classes which have never been offered before.
For your consideration, here are five courses from the WCCC 2021 Spring catalog, chosen completely at random.
Western Colorado Community College Spring 2021 Classes
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