Following up on our last report, Seattle's real-life superhero, Purple Reign, has been suffering from the most vicious of villains; the common cold. Your votes and suggestions have uncovered the remedy that help our hero to regain her powers and make our streets safe once again.

You were asked to vote in our online survey from a list of "common" treatments for the cold. We also asked you to offer any suggestions if you knew of a better remedy for Purple Reign's ailment. Some were very interesting, like the suggestion she apply whipped cream to her bottom.


When it was all said and done, votes swayed heavily to Super Cure #6, namely, Whiskey.

We don't even know if Purple Reign drinks. However, whiskey received over three-times as many votes as the runner up, Honey Powder with Cinnamon (my chiropractor's suggestion.)


There you have it. Purple Reign, our suggestion to you is whiskey. Please proceed immediately to the nearest liquor store and enjoy. Fight the good fight, and don't buy the cheap stuff. We wish you godspeed, Purple Reign.


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