The fact is, human beings can be completely disgusting and here's a look at the top ten most disgusting things that people do based on a recent survey. It is certainly no secret that we live in a world of filthy people, and a brand new survey confirms it. In the survey published on Daily, one in ten admitted to reusing their lunch plate at dinner time without washing it. Seventy percent of those in the survey said they eat food off the floor.

Here's the top 10 responses:

1.  Going several days without showering. ( Who does this??)
2.  Running out of underwear and not wearing any.(There's GOT to be a better solution)
3.  Cleaning the toilet with your significant other's toothbrush.  (Seriously??)
4.  Cleaning naked. (Why would you do this??)
5.  Not cleaning the toilet seat after splashing on it.(C'mon man!)
6.  Letting the dog sleep on the bed. (Guilty as charged. It's true, I do it)
7.  Using the same toothbrush for years. (That's just nasty!)
8.  Using a hairdryer to dust the bathroom. (That's just crazy!)
9.  Letting the dog lick your plates.(Yes, I know you wash the plate, but think about where that dog's tongue has been.)
10. Using the kitchen sponge to clean the floor. ( Just buy another sponge. They aren't expensive)

Here's what one listener confessed to doing.

This listener had a very unpleasant experience at the grocery store!

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