Hey guys, Valentines Day is less than three weeks away and you haven't even started thinking about it, right? Don't worry, we've got it all figured out for you. Here are the things your sweetheart, especially if she's a mom, really wants.

A recent survey conducted by TOTSY asked moms what would make Valentines Day memorable. The number one response, a romantic dinner with dad (88%). When offered dinner instead with a hot celebrity 61% of moms still chose dad. Of those who picked a celebrity, Ryan Gosling (10%), was the most popular choice followed by Bradley Cooper (8%), George Clooney (6%) and Brad Pitt (5%).

Other things moms really love getting on Valentines Day:

  • Rest and relaxation, like spa time (81%)
  • Jewelry (74%)
  • Flowers (73%)
  • Chocolates/Candy (61%)

As for what not to do, don't buy lingerie. Over half of the moms surveyed either hate or are indifferent to it as a Valentines Day gift. Also, forgetting it's Valentines Day, making mom spend the day alone or being too busy to celebrate are guaranteed to ruin the day for her.



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