With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's time to get into full-on turkey mode. After all, it's never too early to loosen up the ol' belt buckle to ready ourselves for Thursday's feasting. While we're getting totally hyped about eating tons of stuffing and gravy and pumpkin pie, we still feel like the holiday prep could use a little extra oomph, and that's where Turkey Day music comes in.

It turns out Thanksgiving is a pretty popular topic when it comes to writing songs. We've discovered tunes that feature some sort of cartoon baby monkey, others about Mr. Turkey's feathers and still others with a cool techno beat. Even though none are as awesome as 'It's Thanksgiving' or feature a pre-teen pouring dried corn kernels into a pot as she sings about mashed potatoes, they're worth cranking up anyway.

Ranging from the slightly nightmare-inducing to the straight up hilarious, check out 10 Thanksgiving songs you probably haven't heard below.

Adam Sandler's 'Thanksgiving Song'

'Everyone's Thankful Except for the Turkey'

Cartoon Baby Monkeys Love Thanksgiving Too

The Song You'll Be Humming for Weeks

A Rousing 'Thanksgiving Overture'

Pilgrims Jiggle, Apparently

Mr. Turkey, the Stuff of Nightmares

Extra Crispy, Extra Creepy

Mc Hammer Is Probably Really Proud

It's Techno Turkey Time!

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