Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
10 Wonderfully Awful Christmas Sweaters
With Christmas only a few short weeks away, our holiday excitement seems to build every single day. Honestly, how can you not be totally stoked over the idea of presents and Santa and tons of hot chocolate with marshmallows? It's impossible. That's why we love to express this crazy anticipation in our favorite way-- through festive clothing. We're huge fans of giving our cat's reindeer antlers and
20 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About ‘Bond’ Girls
Think you know everything about Pussy Galore, Holly Goodhead, and the rest of these fantasy ladies? Think again. Check out twenty facts you probably didn’t know about Bond girls.
11 Hilariously Creative Homework Responses
Back-to-school season is well underway, which also means homework is once again a reality. Ugh, major bummer. But when you're a youngster, homework isn't all that bad! That's because kids make it way less boring by being straight up and honest (read: hilarious).
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
Balloon art is usually something that's confined to a) clowns or b) those guys on the side of the street who make those really embarrassing hats that are like, five feet tall. As it turns out though, there's a whole lot more to the art than standard balloon animals or pop-able accessories. In fact, a lot of 'em are actually impressive.
11 Creative Ways to Decorate Back-to-School Nails
Back=to-school season is in full swing, and even though the end of summer pretty much stinks, heading back to class doesn't have to. Why? For starters, it's the perfect time to sport some apples and notebooks and maybe even a pencil or two on those nails.
10 Awesome Examples of Finger Art
We know art comes in all sorts of forms, from the grumpy to the banana variety. But something we don't see all-that-often is the kind that uses your own fingers as the canvas.
10 Adorable Puppies On the Attack
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, stop. We're about to make your day a whole lot better, although we can't really take ownership over the adorableness that's about to ensue-- this one's all on the animals. Are you ready? It's puppy attack time!
10 Unfortunate Bowling Fails
Bowling is like a right of passage; you've gotta wear those extra smelly shoes at least once in your life. Ya know, for the semi-gross experience. Not to mention the actual game is pretty fun, too. The thing is, it's also very fail prone. But we ain't complaining!
18 Slow Motion GIFs You Won’t Be Able To Stop Watching
Slow motion is fun. It makes everyday things seem way cooler, funnier or grosser, but no matter what, the result is usally hypnotizing. Seriously, we bet you'll spend no less than way too long staring at the jiggly Jello square.
15 Animals Who Are Tired of Your Nonsense
In case you haven't noticed, us humans are really annoying, especially when it comes to pets. We dress 'em up in embarrassing costumes and bathe them til they hate us and honestly? We can't blame them at all for retaliation.