Are you looking for a new gig? Are you living in or around Grand Junction and in need of making $40K or better? Check out these ten random, and available, jobs within a 65-mile radius of the valley.

The website lists a large number of Grand Junction area jobs. As a matter of fact, they currently have several hundred. If you narrow the search to those jobs paying $40,000 a year or better, you get 13. Some of those are entry level positions. Others require extensive backgrounds. Most are somewhere in the middle. Out of those 13 hits, these are the top ten.

Okay, so this list represents a wide array of jobs. There's everything from retail to medical. Most are in Grand Junction, with a few in outlying areas.

What do you have to lose? Grand Junction isn't exactly famous for its high paying gigs. Here in the valley, $40,000 a year ain't bad. Give these a quick look.

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