Shield 616/Safeway Helping Grand Junction Police Get Needed GearShield 616/Safeway Helping Grand Junction Police Get Needed GearThe rifle rated gear will save lives.Jack TaylorJack Taylor
Round Up At Safeway And Help Buy Much Needed Gear For The Grand JRound Up At Safeway And Help Buy Much Needed Gear For The Grand JShield 616 in conjunction with Safeway is trying to buy much-needed equipment for the Grand Junction Police Department.Cody CarlsonCody Carlson
Six Things That Everyone Who Works at Safeway on Horizon KnowsSix Things That Everyone Who Works at Safeway on Horizon KnowsI like to frequent Safeway on Horizon in Grand Junction because it's friendly, fresh and fast. If you work at Safeway on Horizon, you know all about these.Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
Grand Junction Grocery Store Set To CloseGrand Junction Grocery Store Set To CloseYet another Grand Junction business is closing.KeyesKeyes
Vacant Grand Junction Grocery Store Likely to Remain That WayVacant Grand Junction Grocery Store Likely to Remain That WayNo business will be moving into this vacant store anytime soon.Ed ChandlerEd Chandler