After Eating Clean for 75 Days Today I Enjoy a Cheat MealAfter Eating Clean for 75 Days Today I Enjoy a Cheat MealYesterday I completed the 75 HARD challenge and today I get to enjoy my first cheat meal in months. Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Today Ends 75 Hard and I'm in the Best Shape of My LifeToday Ends 75 Hard and I'm in the Best Shape of My LifeIf you want to get into the best shape of your life, do 75 HARD, and work to create the results you want to see. Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Child Dies and Forty People Injured Using Peloton TreadmillChild Dies and Forty People Injured Using Peloton TreadmillPeloton treadmills are catching heat after multiple injuries being reported plus kids and pets being pulled under the machine.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
I’m Now Half Way Done With the 75 Hard Challenge, It’s WorkingI’m Now Half Way Done With the 75 Hard Challenge, It’s WorkingIf you really want to lose weight and get tougher mentally, the 75 HARD program is what you need to do.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Day 20 of 75 HARD, the Exercise and Mental Strengthening ProgramDay 20 of 75 HARD, the Exercise and Mental Strengthening ProgramIf you're looking for a fitness program to help you physically and mentally then 75 HARD is for you.Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Reaction to the New Cocoon Deluxe Fitness Pod in Grand JunctionReaction to the New Cocoon Deluxe Fitness Pod in Grand JunctionThe Cocoon Deluxe Fitness Pod has some things that I really enjoyed and others I didn't care for as much. Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
The Truth About Gyms Will Make You Feel Flabby and SadThe Truth About Gyms Will Make You Feel Flabby and SadGoing to the gym is the granddaddy of all New Year's resolutions. But, as this video proves, it probably shouldn't be.Staff WriterStaff Writer
These People Are Using Exercise Equipment the Wrong WayThese People Are Using Exercise Equipment the Wrong WayWorking out is tough. It's supposed to be, right? But generally it's a better idea if you aren't also battling the equipment.Staff WriterStaff Writer