Unless you've been in a cave or busy combing your ZZ Top-inspired facial 'do, you are no doubt aware the 2015 World Beard and Mustache Championships took place last weekend.
When you think of the Stanley Cup, you probably think of the gargantuan trophy. When you think of the Stanley Cup a second time, you should think about the beards sported by the men on the quest for it.
There are very few men who can successfully get away with a mustache (we’re looking at you, Tom Selleck), yet for generations there have been many styles of mustaches – and beards, for that matter – that have been popular.
Before you go and forward this photo as a hilarious example of beard growth gone awry, look closely. It's like a Magic Eye picture made with actual people. Take it all in.
Casey James is a pretty good dude. The singer spent the month of November growing out his facial hair in support of No Shave November -- a competition that doubles as a St. Jude Children's Hospital fundraiser. But now that it's December, his gruff beard finally had to go.
If there's one thing that sucks about sports, it's lockouts. Lockouts mean no games on TV, no dude time, and a greater chance we'll have to spend time with our women learning how to cook cheese fondue and make potpourri centerpieces. That's why we've been pretty annoyed about this whole NHL lockout.