Many lucky children get gifts that make them overly excited around the holidays. New Barbies, new iPods, new bicycles ... there's always that one gift that makes a kid's Christmas that much more special. But what happened when one little girl got the gift of Scotty McCreery for Christmas?

A loving mom posted her daughter's priceless reaction to her McCreery concert tickets on YouTube. In the clip, the redheaded girl sits in front of a Christmas tree fumbling with a carefully wrapped box.

"I want a picture of this when she gets into it," someone says as the girl still tries to figure out the perfect way to open her new gift. "Be careful, and don't turn it too many ways."

The girl looks both intrigued and confused by what could be in the box. She finally gets it open to reveal green tissue paper, but still no gift. "Be careful!" someone warns again.

Then, her jaw drops as she starts to read the paper inside. Suddenly, we hear an ear-piercing shriek as she flashes a giant grin to show just how excited she is about her McCreery concert tickets!

The girl then begins to cry -- tears of joy, of course. It's safe to say this was her favorite Christmas gift of all. She'll soon be watching McCreery from the intimacy of the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee!

When McCreery got word of the video, he posted it on his Facebook page, writing, "Just saw this ... sure hope she enjoys the Ryman show!"

We bet she will!

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