Public Lands Meeting to Discuss BLM’s RMP Thursday the 11th
We just received a flyer for an upcoming event with Utah. State Rep. Ken Ivory who will be in Grand Junction tomorrow the 11th for an interesting discussion on what we can do to protect public land access and get control of the public lands in our state.
If you've been attending the meetings to voice your opinion of the BLM's RMP plan to limit our public access this is a must attend event!
According to Brandon Siegfried, the Mesa County Patriots & Freedom Colorado are hosting and this event, two Garfield County Commissioners are planing on attending and he says,
This is a must see event for those of us interested in protecting our legal public access on our public lands.
In Brandon's latest email update to members of Friends of Access he says,
After months of debate over the true number of Total miles of public routes and total motorized public route closures the BLM came out with the new attached fact sheet.
Previous to this fact sheet we were disclosing that the BLM was proposing closing about 65% of the routes under the Preferred Alternative B. This was based on the total miles of current routes being 3,322 (provided by BLM) and the DRMP indicated Alt. B would close 2102 miles of motorized routes to the public (public access). The BLM’s new FAQ’s sheet actually says they are closing less than 25% of their current motorized routes in Alt. B. My new analysis shows that Alt. B closes 2180 miles of public access motorized routes (60%) and Alt. C closes 2,998 miles of public access motorized routes (83%). Once you remove the County Roads and State Highways from the Total Miles you will see the new Total Miles under review by the BLM is actually 3,632. This is about a 300 mile increase from the number provided to us 3 months ago. So the miles closed has increased and so has the total actual miles we current have access too.
For more details check out the meeting today at the Masonic Lodge, 2400 Consistory Ct. here in Grand Junction from 6:30p to 8:30 or you can contact Jeff McCloskey at 970-234-3334. There is a suggested donation of $10 to attend but this is not required.
We also have more info here: