Now is the Time to Donate Blood and Save a Life
Have you donated blood lately? I donated earlier today, and the blood center in Grand Junction was empty. Here's my list of five reasons why you should donate blood today.
I received a call from the blood bank about a month ago. I'm O-Positive, so they like me. They call about every ten weeks or so to remind me it's time to come in. Unfortunately, commitments had me out of town.
No worry, though. The blood bank was open for business earlier today. No lines, no fuss, just saving lives. As a matter of fact, look at the photo of all the empty seats at the blood center this afternoon. What's up with that?
Start to finish, you are looking at a thirty-minute donation of your time. You start off by answering a number of questions on a computer screen. Most questions pertain to diseases you've never heard of and questions regarding how many hookers you've picked up in the last 12 months. After that, there are a few questions about tattoos, how much time you've spent in prison, and a few questions nobody understands about Europe.
One quick little poke on the finger for a blood test, a check of your blood pressure, and you're on your way.
Here's a list of reasons you should donate:
5. It's painless. Seriously, it doesn't hurt. Yeah, they have to poke a finger with a little needle to get a sample, and that's kind of a drag. Aside from that, you hardly notice anything. Probably the most painful part of the experience involved hearing Prince's "When Doves Cry" playing on the overhead speaker. I love you Prince, but that song is not one of my favorites.
4. The people at the blood bank are awesome.
3. You really do get free orange juice and cookies!
2. You never know when you might need blood. Wouldn't it give you real peace of mind to know there was blood waiting should you need it?
1. You are saving a life. How many times today will somebody need blood right here in Grand Junction? Will it be someone you know? A family member? Be proactive! Emergencies happen without warning, but that doesn't mean you can't be prepared.
Donate today. It really is a rewarding experience. Keep in mind, during the month of August 2017, you get a free pint of ice cream compliments of City Market when you donate a pint of blood.