Get a Pint of Ice Cream by Donating a Pint of Your Blood
Beat Colorado's summer heat with a smooth and creamy treat. This is the best deal in Grand Junction - a free pint of ice cream in exchange for a pint of your blood.
Save lives, and get some tasty ice cream, in a variety of flavors no less, with the St. Mary's Regional Blood Center. Now's the perfect time to donate.
During the month of August, you'll receive a free pint of ice cream courtesy of City Market when you donate blood. You don't have to go to City Market to get the ice cream; they have it right there at the blood center.
I donated on Friday. For some reason, I was draining a little slow. Normally, blood shoots out of my arm like a fire hose. Perhaps the fact it was "Doughnut Friday" at the station had something to do with it. I probably had a bunch of glazed doughnut goop clogging my arteries.
If you've never donated blood before, please give it a try. Start to finish, you're looking at about 20 to 30 minutes tops. About ten of those minutes involve answering questions, most of which really aren't that personal. Most of the questions ask if you've ever had a disease you've probably never heard of.
You'll find the blood center at 750 Wellington Avenue in Grand Junction. Donation hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon.
Think how great you'll feel with the knowledge you're saving lives. Think how great you'll feel enjoying a pint of delicious ice cream in Western Colorado's 100-degree August heat. Take part in August's blood drive campaign, and give a pint for a pint.