Art work is being sought for this year’s Mesa County Libraries Comic Con Juried Art Show. If you or someone you know is an aspiring artist with a flair for comics, this might just be your event.

Mesa County Libraries will host a juried art show this August. Submissions are being accepted now. There's cash to be won.

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Your Work On Display

Mesa County artists are encouraged to submit their 2D or 3D artworks. These will be placed on display at the Mesa County Library Central branch in downtown Grand Junction.  The event will run from August 20 to October 21, 2021.

Open to Several Age Groups

This event is open to three different age groups:

  • 11 and under
  • 12-years to 18-years
  • 19 and older

This is a Free Event

What better way to get your artwork in front of an audience. It's free to enter. Any Mesa County resident can participate.

Applications and Deadlines

You can submit your artworks now. Entries must be received by Monday, August 2, 2021. Submit your application at

The show will run from August 20 through October 21, 2021.

Three Reasons Why You Should Enter

There are tons of reasons why you should get your artwork in front of the public. Here are three to consider. For these, I borrowed from Agora Gallery.

  • Confidence - Putting yourself in a position where your work is being judged requires a statement of confidence in your creations and even in yourself as an artist.
  • Deadline - Deadlines make the world go round. Having a deadline will push you to create your artwork and maintain your portfolio
  • Evaluate Your Art - When entering an art competition, you are forced to evaluate your work in an objective manner.

This sounds as though it will be a fun, fascinating show. Why not get your artwork out there for the world to see? You'll build confidence, look at your own work in a different light, and expand your portfolio.

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