Mandatory Boxer Briefs and Other Crazy Rules Aboard the Abercrombie and Caligula Executive Jet
A recent age-discrimination case filed on behalf of a former pilot aboard Abercrombie and Fitch chief executive Michael Jefferies’ executive jet reveals a twisted array of “aircraft standards.”
Documents filed in a Philadelphia court claim that 55-year-old pilot Michael Stephen Bustin was fired because of his age, which ultimately led to his replacement by a younger pilot. The detailed complaint goes on to make eye-popping claims about the contents of perhaps one of the most outrageous flight-crew manuals in existence.
For example, Jefferies requires male models working as stewards on his private jet to wear boxer briefs, flip-flops and a “spritz” of Abercrombie-brand cologne, according to court documents. All male flight-crew members must show up for work clean shaven and in a uniform consisting of an Abercrombie polo shirt, jeans, and gloves (black for use with silverware and white for setting the table), along with the boxer briefs and flip-flops. Crew members are also forbidden to wear coats until temperatures fall below 50 degrees.
The lawsuit goes on to say that the flight crew is required to play Phil Collins’ “Take Me Home” over the intercom during all homeward-bound flights, as well as respond to Jefferies and his partner Matthew Smith by saying “no problem,” rather than use phrases like “sure” or “just a minute.”
However, Abercrombie attorney Rocky Robins says that Bustin’s claims are unfounded and the company refuses to comment on the allegations.
Still, this is not the first time Jefferies has been in hot water because of the executive jet. Two years ago, the company tried to remedy Jefferies’ excessive jet use by offering him $4 million to limit his travel budget to $200,000 a year. Apparently, that was not enough.
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