If You Could Go Back And Live In Any Decade What Decade Would That Be?
If you could go back to any decade and live what decade would you go back? I asked this question on KEKB, and most people said they would love to go back to the '80s some people said the '60s and a few said the roaring 20's. I want to live in the 1920s. People really knew how to have a good time.
The only thing I wonder about is if you lived in the 20's you would have to have a lot of money for electric and a bathroom. Everything started to improve after the war. I guess that is why they called it the roaring 20's because that era experienced a big boom to the industry.
I think the '50s would also be a cool decade to live, the fancy cars, the music. It seems like the world was in a better place. If you could go back what year would you go back to?