Here’s What Colorado Needs to Reach Average Snowpack
Believe it or not, Colorado received better than normal snowfall in February. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. The state's snowpack is still well below average for this time of year.
According to The Denver Post, February brought a 13 percent improvement. That still leaves Colorado at 72 percent of normal as of March 1.
How does 2018 compare to last year? Colorado is currently just over 50 percent of last year's snowpack.
Personally, I've only shoveled, or in this year's case, swept, snow twice this winter. Both occasions were in the month of February. In both cases, it was really a waste of time. Snow in areas I didn't sweep melted by mid-afternoon.
What needs to happen this season in order for Colorado to reach a "normal" snowpack level? Brian Domonkos, NRCS's Colorado snow survey supervisor, says Colorado will have to experience more than 200 percent of average snowfall between now and April 30 in order to return to normal.
Is it likely something magnificent will happen and Colorado will reach the normal snowpack level? Domonkos says it is unlikely. He states water managers will look to reservoirs to augment streamflows. How are Colorado's reservoirs? Currently, storage is at 116 percent of average.
Let's cross our fingers and hope for something similar to what you see in the video at top. Who would have ever thought we would actually wish for heavy snow in Western Colorado? Yeah, the ski slopes love it. Most people, though... not so much. Here's hoping we can climb closer to average snowpack in Colorado.
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