Grand Junction Ducks Are Safe [WATCH]
At least one Grand Junction duck family is safe after KEKB morning guy Keyes helps out.
What in the world these guys were doing on 6 & 50 at the intersection of Rim Rock Road was beyond me. So, I figured I would help them out.
Mama Duck and her little ducklings wound up in a very dangerous spot. I'm pretty sure they weren't headed to Red Robin for a burger. It just so happened that I pulled up right behind them in the left-hand turn lane. Then my inner Marlon Perkins kicked in and I became the Duck Whisperer. Luckily, they listened to me as I turned them around and headed them back across 6 & 50 to Independence Drive. At least they were off the highway.
Just so you know, because I stopped recording, the little ones did make it back to momma safe and sound.
Also, without the help of a kind soul who literally stopped his truck to block off traffic, I'm not sure the ducks or I would have made it across. Sadly, I never got his name. Whoever he was, he is a good man. Thank you for your help.