Five Reasons Why You Should Hike Western Colorado’s Mt. Garfield This Weekend
You owe it to yourself to enjoy a hike up Mt. Garfield this weekend. Sure, there are plenty of excellent hikes around the valley. This one, however, deserves your immediate attention.
Why this weekend? Put simply, it isn't going to be getting cooler anytime soon. This is a hike you might want to avoid when it's 105 degrees. Not only that, things are going to be getting busy here in the valley in the next few weeks. Now is a perfect time.
It's surprising how many Grand Valley natives have never climbed Mt. Garfield. I was well into my 40s when I hiked it for the first time. Trust me, it doesn't get easier as you get older.
You're looking at a 2,000-foot climb over a distance of roughly two miles. That's not too bad. When it comes to time, you're looking at investing at least three hours. If you're not out to prove anything, you might want to allow a total of four hours.
These are my top five reasons why this weekend is the perfect time to hike Mt. Garfield.
- According to the National Weather Service, Saturday (May 19) will be partly cloudy with a high of 78. Sunday will be partly cloudy again, with a very slight chance of showers, and a high of 81.
- The next few months will be busy with Country Jam, Vintage Motorcycle Days, and a handful of other local events. You could get easily distracted and miss out on your chance to enjoy this hike.
- Mt. Garfield is a fun but challenging hike. You've had several months to enjoy hiking less challenging trails. It's time to step it up a notch.
- Weather predictions make no mention of windy conditions. That's a good thing. Mt. Garfield always has a steady wind, and can get really nasty if the wind picks up in the valley. See the video directly below.
- It's not too hot. It's not too cold. It's just right. Save the other hikes for another time. This is a great opportunity to hit Mt. Garfield.
With any luck, I'll be hitting this trail with you over the weekend. I used to think of it as fairly challenging. Two weeks ago I hiked Manitou Incline. All of a sudden, Mt. Garfield isn't so bad.
Seriously, now is the time. Access to the trailhead is easy. It would be wise not to leave valuables in your car while it's parked at the trailhead.
See you there. If you get there before I do, or if for some reason I don't make it this weekend, please check on the flag at the summit. If it's not there or needs attention, let me know. You can call me at the studio. I'll pass the info on to the secret person who takes care of the flag. Have fun.