Every Day in March A Day For Western Colorado to Celebrate
March is a month of many celebrations in Grand Junction, but how to keep track of it all. You might want to keep this list handy all month long so you can be sure and celebrate the right thing on the right day.
March 1 - National Pig Day and National Peanut Butter Lovers Day
This could be a day to honor your pet pig - or to enjoy a heaping helping of bacon frying up in the skillet, and maybe even a peanut butter and bacon sandwich
March 2 - Old Stuff Day
This isn't a day to celebrate all that junk you have out in the shed, but rather a day to get out of your same, dull routine do something different - not the same old stuff
March 3 - Caregiver Appreciation Day, Employee Appreciation Day, I Want You to Be Happy Day, If Pets Had Thumbs Day, National Anthem Day, National Salesperson Day, Peach Blossom Day
Most of us are employees so this is a day that most of us should be appreciated and feel appreciated - but most likely won't be. Maybe all of the unappreciated employees can appreciate each other on this day. Hand claps and pats on the back for everyone!
March 4 - Holy Experiment Day, Hug a GI Day
It's always good to have a day to show some love to our military men and women - especially those from our home state and our hometown. So, if you know a soldier, today is a great day to show the love.
March 5 - Multiple Personality Day
March 6 - Dentist's Day, National Frozen Food Day
Nobody I know enjoys going to the dentist, but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate the work they do and the way they take care of our teeth. We may not look forward to the trip, but we're always glad we went.
March 7 - National Crown Roast of Pork Day
March 8 - Be Nasty Day, National Working Women's Day
Actually, I don't think we need a Be Nasty Day, but to all of the working women in the Grand Valley - especially the ones that will go home to a husband and kids who want dinner and to be taken to ball practice--we salute you!!
March 9 - Panic Day, Popcorn Lovers Day
March 10 - Middle Name Pride Day
March 11 - Johnny Appleseed Day, Worship of Tools Day
We aren't going to limit today's celebration to guys only. For all the guys and gals who love the feel of tools in their hands, this day's for you.
March 12 - Girl Scouts Day, Plant a Flower Day
Now that the cookie-selling season is done, you may not be seeing the Girl Scouts around Grand Junction as much, but that doesn't mean they aren't hard at work learning to become great leaders and strong women of tomorrow.
March 13 - Ear Muff Day, Jewel Day
March 14 - Learn About Butterflies Day, National Potato Chip Day
Why couldn't EVERY day be potato chip day? Well, because then National Potato Chip Day wouldn't be nearly as special. So grab a bag of your favorite chips today and enjoy!
March 15 - Dumbstruck Day
March 16 - Everything You Do is Right Day, Freedom of Information Day, Incredible Kid Day
March 17- St. Patrick's Day, Corned Beef and Cabbage Day, Submarine Day
Everybody knows about St. Patty's Day and the corned beef thing, but what about the submarines? We aren't exactly sure if we are celebrating the floating ocean vessel or the sandwich -- so take your pick.
March 18 - Goddess of Fertility Day
March 19 - Poultry Day
March 20 - International Earth Day, Extraterrestrials Abduction Day, Proposal Day
For western Colorado residents who believe they were once abducted by aliens - or hope to be someday, here's a day to celebrate the abduction. What exactly does one wear to an alien abduction?
March 21 - Credit Card Reduction Day, Fragrance Day, National Agriculture Day, Tea for Two Tuesday
March 22 - National Goof Off Day
Everybody needs a little time to good off, and so to all of the bosses out there, we say give your people a break today and let them enjoy a little goofing off. Tomorrow will be a new day to crack down
March 23 - Melba Toast Day, National Chip and Dip Day, National Puppy Day, Near Miss Day
Most of us love puppies - and there are probably some puppies at our local animal shelters that need a loving home -maybe yours is just the perfect one! See what is available at Mesa County Animal Services and Roice-Hurst.
March 24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
I'm all for celebrating this day -- except could I get mine without the raisins?
March 25 - Pecan Day, Waffle Day
Pecans and waffles actually go together quite nicely in case you didn't know. Make a batch of waffles today and stir in a generous helping of pecans. Yummy!
March 26 - Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, National Spinach Day
March 27 - National "Joe" Day
March 28 - National Something on a Stick Day, Weed Appreciation Day
Believe it or not, the weeds we are talking about are the kind that you try to keep out of your garden, not the kind you smoke. Weeds actually provide food and shelter for birds and wildlife, so, of course, we have to love on the weeds a little bit.
March 29 - National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day, Smoke and Mirrors Day
To all the mom and pop businesses out there, we salute you. You're a hard-working bunch and we want you to know we support you and appreciate you.
March 30 - National Doctor's Day, I Am in Control Day, Take a Walk in the Park Day
There is nothing like a walk in the park on a spring day in Grand Junction -- and we have some great parks. Don't forget to clean up after your doggie.
March 31 - Bunsen Burner Day, National Clam on the Half Shell Day, World Back Up Day
Remember the "Andy Griffith" episode where the Morrison sisters are making up moonshine, but the only sell it to people who are celebrating holidays and special occasions? Well, it sure looks like you could be celebrating all month long.
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