Who Stole + Destroyed Lovable Grand Junction Colorado Pizza Man Statue?
Do you know who stole the pizza man statue from the front of a Grand Junction restaurant? A Facebook post went up Saturday Evening, October 23, asking for information regarding the theft and destruction of the artwork belonging to a North Avenue business.
The pizzaman statue could be found in front of Bravo Pizza at 936 North Avenue. The statue served as part of the establishment's decor, typically holding signs listing the restaurant's daily specials.
Not Even a Pizza Man Statue is Safe Nowadays
This theft must have happened fairly early in the evening on Saturday. The Facebook post announcing the theft went out Saturday night at 8 p.m.
The pizza man statue was a metal pipe structure of a human form holding a large pepperoni pizza. It was cool. Unfortunately, thanks to someone with far too much time on their hands and not enough to do, the statue is no more.
Private Property Destroyed
According to the Facebook post, the statue was ultimately returned, but "absolutely destroyed."
Do You Know Who Might Have Done This
Bravo Pizza is asking the public to share any information they may have regarding those responsible. They ask you to contact them with any information you may have.
Bravo Pizza can be reached at (970) 644-5915.
Given the location where this occurred, North Avenue near the college, combined with the considerable activity at the nearby businesses on a Saturday night, it's safe to assume that someone must have seen something when this crime occurred.
Going through life with a blemish on your record due to the theft and destruction of a pizza man statue is no way to live. Those responsible have an opportunity to come clean and take responsibility.
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