Days to Celebrate in December
December is not only for tinsel, trees and Holidays.
According to the National Calendar website, December is full of many daily, weekly and month long observances.
There are some very significant dates this month that we already know. December 7th is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, the 22nd is the Winter Solstice and of course, the King Puba of December dates, the 25th.
But, did you know that the month of December has many great days to celebrate some yummy treats. For example, the 30th is the National Day of BACON!
Well, after that video, a BLT sounds pretty good.
The 12th month is also home to the National Day oatmeal muffins, brownies, fritters, egg nog and more.
But, all fun aside, December is also a time to focus on serious issues as well. This month is AIDS Awareness Month, Human Rights Month and Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month.
Even though the Holidays are in the air, let's also remember that there are more important issues to deal with than what present under the tree is whose.