Your Pick for Grand Junction’s Best House Painter
I'm in need of hiring someone to paint the interior of my house. I asked you to point me in the right direction. Here's what you said.
Do you know a good house painter? I'm in the process of moving, and before I get too settled, I would like to have a few rooms painted. Historically I would do it myself. In this, case, though, a professional is needed.
I asked around but wasn't getting much help. What does one do in a situation such as this? Simple. I asked you. A couple of weeks ago I posted a survey asking for Grand Junction's best house painter. I turned my back for a few moments and the survey blew up. People voted, and in a big way. The votes were in the thousands.
Thanks a bunch. This was the exact info I was looking for. In addition to the original businesses on the post, you did a large number of write-in votes. When it was all said and done, though, the winner was clear.
According to you, these are the top five house painters in Grand Junction. You'll see six results on the poll, but that's because the write-in category placed high on the survey.
Congratulations to Sunshine Painting. This company has some true fans. When it was all said and done, Sunshine Painting had close to 50% of the vote.
Thank you for voting and sharing your experiences. Thanks to all of the Grand Junction area painters, too. They've all been good sports. I now have a clear direction when it comes to hiring a painter. Thanks for the tremendous turnout at the polls.