Would You Consider Celebrating Thanksgiving Through Zoom?
Most of us are so excited about the opportunity to spend time with friends and family for the upcoming holiday season, but public health scientists are saying maybe it's time to rethink those plans. According to 9News, health officials are saying that it would be easier to predict the weather for the holiday instead of predicting how the American coronavirus crisis will play out this fall.
School reopenings, holiday travel, and more indoor activities are all things that health officials worry could continue to spread COVID-19. But at this point, no one is really sure what things will look like in November so it makes it very difficult for all families to attempt to make plans.
There are several vaccines in advanced testing, and hopefully, we will have those results later this year. But even if a vaccine is found, there will not be enough for all citizens. There are also several companies that are trying to create an at-home test but none of those companies have won approval for their testing kits.
Having a video call to celebrate the holidays doesn't sound like a holiday that anyone would choose to have but some might put in the effort to make it happen to make sure to not infect other family members who would be gathered around their same table.
What about you? Are you planning a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family in attendance, or are your plans still up in the air due to the coronavirus pandemic?