Would Love to Hear About Your Cure For The Hangover
There are so many hangover cures, which ones work? Pedialyte is jumping on the wagon and will now offer Pedialyte Sparkling Rush Powder Packs just in time for New Years! I can remember bringing in the New Year with plenty of bang and even drank children's Pedialyte to find relief.
I am pleased to say I do not bring in the New Year like that any longer. I am a little more mellow. However, I do like to have a good time maybe a toast with Champagne at midnight and an overnight stay in a hotel, with breakfast in the morning. But believe me, I have had my share of hangovers. And not one of them was any fun at all. So what is your cure would love to hear it. I have heard about vitamin B6, raw eggs and tomato juice. That one makes me sick just thinking about it.