Where Can You Recycle Eyeglasses in Grand Junction?
Do you have decades worth of eyeglasses cluttering the drawers at your home? Is there a better use for them besides the trash can? Yes. There are places in Grand Junction where you can recycle your old eyewear.
Can you imagine needing glasses but not being able to afford them? There are those in Western Colorado facing that very situation. Even with insurance, my new glasses cost close to $400. That's simply out of reach for many.
If you're like me, you have several pairs of glasses cluttering your dresser drawers. In my case, I would say there are roughly 20 years worth of prescription glasses occupying various crevices of my house.
In addition to those, I now have all the glasses owned by my parents. Between you and me, I don't recall ever seeing my parents wear glasses. I may recall my mom wearing "readers," or as I call them, "cheaters," but I'm not even sure of that. In any event, when they died, I found dozens of pairs of glasses in every room of the house. What to do with them?
The Grand Junction Lions have a program where they collect and redistribute glasses. Your old glasses can be dropped off at either the optical center at the Grand Junction Sam's Club, or at the Fruita Post Office. I contacted the optical center at Sam's Club, and they confirmed they are currently collecting glasses.
No doubt most people agree, glasses are a hard thing to part with. One can only assume they may one day need a spare set of glasses, and the most recent prescription would be the best candidate. In addition, glasses cost a fortune, and the idea of simply disposing of them brings about images of throwing money in a fire. Lastly, as in the case of my parents' glasses, there is some sentimental value.
The thought of someone putting them to good use helps me to make peace with the idea of giving them up. Twenty-year-old glasses aren't doing my sock drawer any good. The possibility of them finding a new home with someone who can make us of them eases the pain. Check out the video below. Her name is "Cynical Mom." Listen to what she has to say.
Lookout Grand Junction Lions, you have about 30 pairs of glasses coming your way in every size and color of the rainbow. Some of them look like the 1960s, because they were actually around in the 1960s. It will be good to know someone can enjoy them.