Every year Christmas gets more and more about shopping and Santa Claus and less about the birth of Christ. Do you think Christmas should be more about Jesus then Santa Claus?

According to a recent study where 1,000 Americans were polled, 76% of Americans think that Christmas should be more about the celebration of Jesus' birth. Somehow, 14% of Americans think the upcoming holiday should be more about Santa Claus. 10% of those polled, 100 Americans, don't know what to think. They are not sure if Christmas should be about Jesus or Santa.


Let's break down the word Christmas. First part, Christ, the savior of the Christian, Catholic and Baptist religion. Second word, Mas, spanish for More. Put them together and it's Christ More. Obviously Christmas should be more about Christ than Santa. Other wise lets call it Santamas.


Let's break down Santa. It uses the same letters as Satan.Claus is defined as "A particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract." Basically a Satan contract.  Maybe that's the goal of evil, to have Christ's birth over shadowed by a fictional character named Santa Claus.

I know it's a little out there and a little ridiculous. What are your thoughts? Take the poll below.

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