‘Random Acts of Kindness Day’ Got Its Start in Colorado
Thursday, February 17, 2022, is "National Random Acts of Kindness" Day. Did you know this awesome "holiday" got its start in Colorado?
This is a perfect opportunity to do something nice for someone. It could be anyone - a coworker, family member, or a complete stranger.

How Does One Observe 'National Random Acts of Kindness Day'?
This is an easy one. To observe this holiday, you can simply do something nice for someone. Maybe buy them a cup of coffee. You could do a donut run and share it with your coworkers. When you're out driving, let the other driver into your lane. There are countless things you could do, some of which won't cost you a dime.
National Random Acts of Kindness Day Began in Denver, Colorado
Looking at several sources, it seems this awesome holiday began right here in Colorado.
According to Woman's Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, or RAKD, was created in 1995 in Denver, Colorado. The website nationaldaycalendar.com confirms that statement.
The website kindnessevolution.org reports the Denver, Colorado-based group World Kindness USA had a lot to do with establishing the holiday.
World Kindness USA is the peak national kindness body in the USA, and part of the greater global kindness movement. Will Glennon founded World Kindness USA, which recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Will also authored national bestselling book, Random Acts of Kindness, which inspired the creation of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, launched in 1995. - kindnessevolution.com
National Random Acts of Kindness Week in Colorado
This isn't limited to just one day. There's also National Random Acts of Kindness Week. This special week always falls in mid-February. According to twinkl.com, "It's a week dedicated to kindness and taking that extra, conscious step to brighten somebody’s day."
Ways to Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day
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