Top Five Weirdest Google Searches
One agency set out to determine some of the strangest things people search for on Google and we've got the top five! Plus one less than honorable mention . . .
Among the weirdest things the agency found that people search Google for:
- "How to hide a dead body" comes in with an average of 1,000 monthly searches
- "How to get away with murder" gets searched for 1,900 a month
- "Cat dating". Believe it or not 110 people a month want to know about it!
- Apparently there a over 18K people a month wondering if Lady Gaga is a man!
- And 40,500 of us wondering "Why did i get married?"
My favorite that I felt deserved a less than Honorable mention:
- 4,400 actually ask Google "how to Google"
What's the strangest thing you've ever searched for? Join the conversation below!