Your Pick for the Best Tile Installers in Grand Junction
I came begging for your help a few weeks ago. Your help was needed to track down the best tile installers in Grand Junction. Here's what you had to say.
A bathroom remodel was initiated, and before long, took on a life of its own. You were asked to help bail me out. With your guidance, the situation is now under control. This is your pick for the best tile installers in the valley.
Par For The Course
Like always, I started something, and then quickly found myself overwhelmed. What began as a quaint little remodel and update turned into a project comparable to the construction of the Death Star. Who would have imagined a tile job could turn into something of this magnitute?
Take It To The People
When a conundrum such as this arises, there's only one thing to do - seek out your opinion. This matter was presented as a survey, and like always, you stepped up to the plate with valuable info.
Grand Junction's Pick For 'Best Tile Installer'
After a couple of weeks of voting, the results are in. According to you, these are the best companies to hire when looking for tile work.
Congratulation to the Tile Meister. As you can see, they carried a strong lead. When it was all said and done, customers around the valley chimed in with valuable info.
Thanks for the help. Here's hoping this project can be salvaged. Photos of my bathroom as it currently exists were circulated across social media. Most people described it as looking atrocious. Others suggested it appeared as though it might be haunted.
Calls have been made and this nightmare will soon be nothing more than a memory. Thanks for steering me in the proper direction.