The Difference 50 Days Makes in Grand Junction’s Toilet Paper Supply
It appears if things are starting to turn around. It's hard to make heads or tails out of the news stories and charts and graphs. Oddly, it seems a Grand Junction box store provides some data to suggest brighter days are ahead.
Have we begun to rebound following the panic associated with the COVID-19 crisis? Judging by the shelves in the paper product aisle at the local Walmart, it seems we have.
For your viewing pleasure, a side by side comparison of the toilet paper aisle at Grand Junction's North Avenue Walmart. The photo on the left was taken on March 9, 2020. The photo on the right was taken on April 28, 2020. It's amazing what can change in 50 days.
That's right, it's been exactly 50 days since people flooded the friendly neighborhood Wally World on a quest for TP. Do you remember scratching your head and saying to yourself, "This has the be the craziest thing I've ever seen"?
We've been through a lot since then. Suddenly, a toilet paper shortage wasn't the biggest concern on people's minds. Friends and family have lost their jobs, people are scurrying to try and put food on the table, and everyone has sprouted a few more grey hairs.
There you go, conclusive proof - Grand Junction is moving in the right direction. Where once the shelves were bare, they are now brimming with the product. Okay, so they aren't exactly overflowing. It's a far cry better than neighbors gathering by the fence sharing rumors that City Market "might" be getting a truck on Friday morning, and there's word on the street it might have toilet paper in it.
When times are tough, you look for each ray of hope. Perhaps this is it - Aisle 5 at Walmart has toilet paper.

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