I had a great Christmas, and I received some really cool stuff, like a set of tools, a tablet, and a golf shirt. I loved it all! But, in looking back, the best gifts I received didn't cost anything.At my family's annual holiday gathering on the front range, in lieu of gifts this year, we did "sugar jars".

The jars were beautifully decorated by my niece Ashleigh, and there was one for each member of the family - 12 in all.

Prior to the event, we had each been instructed to write down on a piece of paper, some "sugar" for each member of the family individually- 12 different pieces of paper, each containing something written for and to a specific family member. This "sugar" could be whatever you wanted it to be - words of inspiration, encouragement, a scripture verse,  or simply what that person means to you. It could be as long or as short as you wanted it to be.

After each jar was filled with everyone's "sugar", the jars were distributed to the proper person to do with as they choose. Some chose to read the sugar all at once, while others chose to stretch it out over several days, while others may have chosen to draw out one "sugar" note from the jar each month for the entire year.

Too often we don't take the time to let those close to us know exactly how we feel about them, or to build them up and encourage them.

These sugar jars didn't cost us anything, but the contents they contained were priceless. It has served to strengthen relationships, build up those who may be struggling, and  has drawn us closer together as a family.



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